If you’re looking for a 100% guaranteed drop that doesnt require you to go into a raid, the Swift Breezestrider could be the next mount you go for.
This is a ground only mount from the Warlords of Draenor expansion.
Swift Breezestrider drops from a rare mob in Shadowmoon Valley.
The mob is called Pathrunner.
It’s a 100% drop, which means as long as you just hit it once you’ll get the mount.
Key Mount Facts
- Requirements: Level 40 & Journeyman Riding Skill
- Mount Type: Ground
- Drop rate: 100%
- Location: Shadowmoon Valley

Pathrunner Spawn Locations
The Swift Beezestrider is a talbuk.
As mentioned its dropped by a rare talbuk called Pathrunner.
Pathrunner has a spawn timer of 2-8 hours.
The tough thing about finding Pathrunner is that it does spawn in one of six locations. So you’ll need to fly to each spawn point to check if its spawned.
Now on a plus side, Pathrunner doesn’t have much of a patrol. Which means it wont move to far away from its spawn points.
The six locations where Pathrunner spawns are below;

Once you find Pathrunner you want to attack.
If your level matches that of the zone then you should still be able to solo it, although it does have a lot of health. Be prepared for a tough battle depending on your class.
It’s worth dropping a message in general chat of Shadowmoon Valley to see if anyone else needs.
But like I said, its not too tough, so you should be able to kill it on your own.
If you’re max level and returning to Shadowmoon Valley for the mount, you’ll simply one hit it.
Quick and easy ground mount!
There you have it, you’ll pick up the Swift Breezestrider mount and have this new talbuk ground mount added to your collection!
Happy Mount Hunting!